Ready to Shift your game?

Ready to Shift your game?

Thank you for being a part of the Egnyte customer summit 2019, themed Shift. For those who came out in person,  thank you for spending a couple of days with us.  For the folks that could not make it, you missed a heck of a show!

I for one kicked off the post-summit weekend burying myself into my (signed) copy of Gray Day!  

Many thanks to our keynote speaker and best selling author, Eric O’Neill.  Eric regaled us with the gritty story of how he exposed America’s first cyber spy in 2001 and concluded with his perspectives on the present day. I got a chance to speak with Eric off-stage and we were reflecting on how quickly and dramatically our world has shifted.

As Eric said, there are no hackers anymore, only spies.  Back in the day the targets were governments, but today everyone is a target.  Individuals, institutions, corporations and governments, all fair game!  The reason is simple; we live in a digital world and data has become the most valuable asset.  

To quote Eric, DATA is the currency of our lives!  Protecting our liberties, our way of life and ourselves starts with protecting our DATA! This requires a big shift in how we think and act.

We enjoyed seeing many familiar faces and meeting new ones.  Despite all the collaboration technology in the world, there is nothing more powerful than the warmth of human dialog and connection established around the breakfast table, over a drink or in the hallway over coffee.  It helped us renew existing bonds and form new ones.

We felt sincere engagement and a sense of community in our discussions.  Thanks to all our customers who went on stage, showcased their experiences, and to those who helped think through gnarly problems in panel discussions.  A special word of appreciation to our channel partners who made their first ever summit appearance. Kudos also to our long list of technology partners who demonstrated their integrated offerings and sponsored the happy hour.

Dare I say the weather gods were shockingly kind. I hope that made the trip extra special for all of you and made Mark Twain sound like a liar about summer in San Francisco.

We were very fortunate to have Scott “Scooter” Altman as our closing keynote speaker.  A true American hero, Scott’s achievement and presentation humbled me. He reminded us that astronauts are human too and all human endeavors, from the simplest to the loftiest are founded on the same principles - dream big, work hard and never give up!

I can’t think of a more fitting way to summarize Egnyte’s mission than borrowing from our two accomplished keynote speakers.  Data is the currency of our lives! We take that very seriously at Egnyte and will strive to help you manage and protect that currency.  In that endeavor, we promise to push the boundaries, work hard and never give up!

We thank all of you for making Egnyte customer summit 2019 a roaring success.  While the summit is behind us, the dialog will continue. We certainly hope the ideas discussed will help you shift your game in the year ahead.  We look forward to welcoming you back alongside many new friends in 2020.

Until next year!

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